Global Education
Admission Procedure in Universities Abroad Admissions procedure in Universities abroad is very different from what it is in India. When students apply abroad to any University they have to be sure that they send all the required documents well before the application deadline. Universities usually inform students of their admission decisions well in advance of the beginning term. If you have received admission in more than one university, you will have to decide which one you want to attend. At this stage, you should compare a few objective and mostly more subjective criteria. The points you should focus on the following criterion: Objective Criteria • Best program curriculum, length of program, choice of courses • Best funding offer or best program with respect to costs • Cost of living • Strength of related departments/program Subjective Criteria • Overall reputation of university/department/program • Location-region, safety of neighborhood • Climate • Social life • Facilities available • Accommodation & housing Basically the decision factors at this stage would be mainly three points: • Best program • Best funding offer • Best for your personal goals and needs It is essential to do a lot of research on the universities and their offerings. Colleges and universities offer varied educational packages. You will have to find out which of these are likely to meet your goals by spending time in the reference library. The more time and effort you put in and the better you utilize your researching skills, the greater are your chances of achieving your goals. Each college will tell you exactly what steps to follow to confirm your acceptance of their offer of admission and how to prepare for your first term. This information will be included with the letter of admission or in materials that will be sent to you shortly thereafter. You must respond with a "Yes" or "No" for each offer of admission. You may also be required to submit a financial deposit to the institution that you plan to attend. This is to guarantee your place in the class. Make sure you do not miss any deadlines
Abbey College Cambridge
Abbey College Cambridge has been the top performing Independent College in Cambridge since 1999.
Since being established, an outstanding record of accomplishment has been achieved. This is demonstrated both in terms of success at A-Level and through the placement of students onto the most competitive university degree courses.
The focus at Abbey is very much on the individual. Students are treated as young adults and expected to take a degree of responsibility for their progress while benefiting from expert assistance and
a compassionate support mechanism.
All at Abbey are clear that our goal is to ensure the best chance of top grades for each student and the demands made of our students are considerable. Experience shows that happy students are the most successful and we encourage them to maintain an active life outside of Abbey and to take full advantage of all Cambridge has to offer socially and culturally.
We are proud that our students have gained some of the highest A-level pass rates in the UK. For example, in 2006 our students gained grades A or B in 81% of A-levels sat with us. Of these exams, 56% were grade A. This is, of course, considerably higher than the national average and above almost all UK colleges.
Our students also enter the very best universities. In 2006, ten students entered Cambridge university, two entered Oxford, three into LSE, eight into UCL and eight into Imperial.
Students tell us that they leave Abbey well equipped for success at university and life beyond.
Academic strengths
Abbey Cambridge has gained an excellent reputation in subject areas such as mathematics, science and financial subjects. Our students enter UK universities to study degrees such as Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine and Law in the most prestigious of all the UK universities - sixteen students entered Oxbridge between 2006-7.
Our staff have an unusually high level of expertise and experience.
Around half our teachers have PhDs or other higher degrees and many have spent considerable time in education. We are also fortunate to have many staff who have had extensive experience in research, in business and in industry. This expertise enables us to provide teaching of an extremely high quality. We find that many students join us because they hear from friends that the teachers at Abbey provide a level of expertise unmatched in other colleges.
We provide students with the most up-to-date educational facilities available. This includes twenty teaching rooms, a quiet student study room, a student common room, two ICT suites with network and internet access for all students, a brand new fully-equipped Physics laboratory, a chemistry and biology laboratory and we are able to provide numerous individual tutorial rooms.
Abbey also has a student canteen and large college garden.
Student life
The emphasis at Abbey Cambridge is very much placed upon academic issues. However, the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle and the value of an active life outside of Abbey is very much appreciated.
There are no compulsory extra curricular activities at Abbey – rather students are encouraged to participate in the activities that they most enjoy. Clubs, societies and sports are very much student led but receive full support from Abbey in terms of finance and supervision.
Where a students vocational ambition demands a level of extra curricular activity of a specific nature, the college will identify this and ensure that every opportunity is taken for appropriate involvement.
Since being established, an outstanding record of accomplishment has been achieved. This is demonstrated both in terms of success at A-Level and through the placement of students onto the most competitive university degree courses.
The focus at Abbey is very much on the individual. Students are treated as young adults and expected to take a degree of responsibility for their progress while benefiting from expert assistance and
All at Abbey are clear that our goal is to ensure the best chance of top grades for each student and the demands made of our students are considerable. Experience shows that happy students are the most successful and we encourage them to maintain an active life outside of Abbey and to take full advantage of all Cambridge has to offer socially and culturally.
We are proud that our students have gained some of the highest A-level pass rates in the UK. For example, in 2006 our students gained grades A or B in 81% of A-levels sat with us. Of these exams, 56% were grade A. This is, of course, considerably higher than the national average and above almost all UK colleges.
Our students also enter the very best universities. In 2006, ten students entered Cambridge university, two entered Oxford, three into LSE, eight into UCL and eight into Imperial.
Students tell us that they leave Abbey well equipped for success at university and life beyond.
Academic strengths
Abbey Cambridge has gained an excellent reputation in subject areas such as mathematics, science and financial subjects. Our students enter UK universities to study degrees such as Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine and Law in the most prestigious of all the UK universities - sixteen students entered Oxbridge between 2006-7.
Our staff have an unusually high level of expertise and experience.
Around half our teachers have PhDs or other higher degrees and many have spent considerable time in education. We are also fortunate to have many staff who have had extensive experience in research, in business and in industry. This expertise enables us to provide teaching of an extremely high quality. We find that many students join us because they hear from friends that the teachers at Abbey provide a level of expertise unmatched in other colleges.
We provide students with the most up-to-date educational facilities available. This includes twenty teaching rooms, a quiet student study room, a student common room, two ICT suites with network and internet access for all students, a brand new fully-equipped Physics laboratory, a chemistry and biology laboratory and we are able to provide numerous individual tutorial rooms.
Abbey also has a student canteen and large college garden.
Student life
The emphasis at Abbey Cambridge is very much placed upon academic issues. However, the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle and the value of an active life outside of Abbey is very much appreciated.
There are no compulsory extra curricular activities at Abbey – rather students are encouraged to participate in the activities that they most enjoy. Clubs, societies and sports are very much student led but receive full support from Abbey in terms of finance and supervision.
Where a students vocational ambition demands a level of extra curricular activity of a specific nature, the college will identify this and ensure that every opportunity is taken for appropriate involvement.
UK Councils for International Student Affairs
Will my qualifications be recognised in the UK?
You can check the equivalence of your country's qualifications with those in the UK by contacting the National Recognition Information Centre for the UK (UK NARIC). The international recruitment staff at the institution where you want to study may also be able to advise you.
Where can I find out about courses of study in the UK?
The internet is a good place to obtain information about an institution and the courses it runs. For example, you can search for courses on the British Council's Education UK website and on the Hotcourses website.
You can look for and apply for courses using the UCAS
If you want to find out about postgraduate research and study opportunities, you can check the Prospects website.
Most institutions have details of their courses on their websites, or you can ask them to send you their prospectus, a free booklet which provides information about the institution and the courses it offers. Many British Council offices have copies of these prospectuses, and the British Council also produces a range of Education Information Notes about studying in the UK.
You can check the equivalence of your country's qualifications with those in the UK by contacting the National Recognition Information Centre for the UK (UK NARIC). The international recruitment staff at the institution where you want to study may also be able to advise you.
Where can I find out about courses of study in the UK?
The internet is a good place to obtain information about an institution and the courses it runs. For example, you can search for courses on the British Council's Education UK website and on the Hotcourses website.
You can look for and apply for courses using the UCAS
If you want to find out about postgraduate research and study opportunities, you can check the Prospects website.
Most institutions have details of their courses on their websites, or you can ask them to send you their prospectus, a free booklet which provides information about the institution and the courses it offers. Many British Council offices have copies of these prospectuses, and the British Council also produces a range of Education Information Notes about studying in the UK.
Even wealthy families can get scholarship money
The answer is good news for those of you who don't qualify for much financial aid. These scholarships were NOT based on financial need. They were based totally on merit. And anyone can go that route!
You see, there are two different kinds of aid. One is need-based; the other is merit-based. Our daughter actually received both. But the big bucks, the large figures, those wonderful thousands of dollars, were given to her based on merit. We could have had a million dollars in the bank, and she still would have received them.
The scholarship application process itself proves the distinction. She applied for her scholarships in January of her senior year. She attended scholarship competitions at several of the schools that winter. She received offers in the mail regularly after the competitions. Scholarship decisions are usually made through the admissions office of the college.
The financial aid process, however, is completely separate from this. In order to apply for financial aid, the first step is to fill out the federal government's aid form called the FAFSA. (Get it at This form requires you to divulge all your financial information: your income, savings, investments, etc. Then the feds calculate what they expect you to be able to afford. The college receives this information (at your request), and the college's financial aid office decides from there what aid they might send your way.
By the time the college receives your financial information, the scholarship offers have already been sent. In fact, if you have any concern about getting bumped out of scholarship funds because you have money, you can delay sending the financial information to the school. Even better, you don't have to send it at all. The school suggests you apply early only because their aid monies might have already been designated for other families if you wait too long.
by Ginia Dible
You see, there are two different kinds of aid. One is need-based; the other is merit-based. Our daughter actually received both. But the big bucks, the large figures, those wonderful thousands of dollars, were given to her based on merit. We could have had a million dollars in the bank, and she still would have received them.
The scholarship application process itself proves the distinction. She applied for her scholarships in January of her senior year. She attended scholarship competitions at several of the schools that winter. She received offers in the mail regularly after the competitions. Scholarship decisions are usually made through the admissions office of the college.
The financial aid process, however, is completely separate from this. In order to apply for financial aid, the first step is to fill out the federal government's aid form called the FAFSA. (Get it at This form requires you to divulge all your financial information: your income, savings, investments, etc. Then the feds calculate what they expect you to be able to afford. The college receives this information (at your request), and the college's financial aid office decides from there what aid they might send your way.
By the time the college receives your financial information, the scholarship offers have already been sent. In fact, if you have any concern about getting bumped out of scholarship funds because you have money, you can delay sending the financial information to the school. Even better, you don't have to send it at all. The school suggests you apply early only because their aid monies might have already been designated for other families if you wait too long.
by Ginia Dible
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